Sunday, April 21, 2013


  Having grown up in an Irish-American family, I have always been a "meat and potatoes" kind of girl. I don't mean this in the literal sense. My experience, or at least with those whom have raised me, says that we are not a formal people. We are the kind of people who get drunk at a funeral because we want to celebrate the life of our beloved. This has a point. I promise.

Recently, I moved to Florida from Ohio. Florida is such a strange place. Florida is hot, sticky, sexy, and oh-so-frustrating! I have found it hard to meet new people in this "strange" new place. In Florida everyone is different; people are from all different states, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds. This MUST be why Florida is likened with paradise. I imagine heaven to be the same way ;) I, however, have always been timid and terrified of offending. I HATE FORMALITIES. I hate putting on the facade for the person that is lurking beneath, only so that I may fit in with what is socially acceptable. I hate being the face of normality when I am pretty much all but normal. I like to put on my Irish-American face; the face that I would equate with "It's seven-o-clock-in-the-morning-hungover-slept-in-my-make-up-why-are-you-knocking-on-my-door" kind of face. This way, people will know the worst of me and still keep coming back for more. Also, just with the mention of Irish-American and "It's seven-o-clock-in-the-morning-hungover-slept-in-my-make-up-why-are-you-knocking-on-my-door" in the same paragraph, I fear that I may  have just offended someone of Irish American decent that was not raised that way and may be reading this. See what I just did there? Yes. This is why I loathe the first few weeks of a friendship.

So, I promise that starting today, I will be that face that you would rather not see but still love anyway. I promise to blog the good, the bad, and the funny. I promise to try to make friends if you try to love the quirks about which I am writing.
 That my friends is part of being an adult. ;) (Also, Pog mo might want to google it :D)

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