Saturday, May 4, 2013


So, I feel as if the cosmos have shifted. I am in this deep mood to get things done! This whole out-with-the-old energy also pertains to someone from my past. I haven't written poetry in a really REALLY long time, so tonight I let the creative energy flow. This is what I got. Not too shabby... if I do say so myself!

Your face has begun to fade
into the shadows 
where you reside
laughing at your charming life
while your love
divine and derelict
into the obsidian abyss
sharp, curdled, cunning 

Very rarely do your eyes
pierce my dreams
and make them bleed 
like drops of roses 
crimson fevered
that lulled my heart
into demise
to believe that love 
has passed 

You have disappeared
like an apparition
brooding eyes 
and soured soul
ruining the hereafter
for there is no life
after love 
when you are
singing sanity

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